Love Is Not Enough

Love is definitely the main focal point of a relationship. But the age old question is simply this – is it enough to fuel a relationship? No. That’s right, I said it. It’s not. If life has taught me anything from one abusive relationship to the other, it’s that love is not the only factor.

I was scrolling through Facebook today and saw a video this guy posted about this very topic. And, well, of course I had to put my two cents in.

He was pretty much saying that if necessary he will love you from a distance. That hit home with a hard realization I recently had about past abusive bullshit. I thought about all the times when I loved them and I would have saved myself a lot of bullshit if I would have done just that.

I also got to thinking – What other factors are important to a relationship? We’ve established the love thing. But I need to know that it’s okay if I go out with the girls and have one too many. I need to know that the kids are going to be fed, bathed, and red their bed time stories. I need to know that if I come home at 3 am after having one too many that he would carry me up the stairs while I rambled on about jargon that didn’t make any sense. And after all that he would still take off my shoes, tuck me in, kiss me on the forehead and tell me he loves me.

Something like this is so foreign but perfect to me. I don’t think it’s actually ever happened. Something like this is a dream to me. And I think that’s what makes a relationship work. Things like that. It displays trust, compassion, understanding and loyalty to your partner. All with out judgement.

Just food for thought…

5 thoughts on “Love Is Not Enough”

  1. I couldn’t agree more that love alone isn’t enough. I think a relationship has to be flexible and compassionate in the sense that it’s not 50/50, it’s 100/100 but sometimes it’s 100/20 or 80/20 or even 0/100. It all depends on the situation. After unexpectedly becoming parents my fiancé and I had a seriously hard time figuring out our new relationship because it wasn’t what we expected from life or what we thought we’d want. Don’t get me wrong, motherhood is the best thing to happen to me. It did test us in ways I didn’t know we’d need tested though. I love your point about having one too many, too. There has to be give and take and understanding. Relationships are hard! That’s ok though. Love is a spark but it’s personal, mutual dedication that makes it last in my eyes. Awesome post!!

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  2. Love, trust, compromise & so much more! Totally agree. Sorry to hear about your previous bad relationships. I wrote a lot on my blog about relationships as I was in a long distance one for 6 months before we finally got to be together for good! But it is so difficult and takes a lot. Strength in yourself as well as each other. Never give up though! You clearly know what you want someone which is great and sound like a strong person to me!
    Great read! Thanks!

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  3. Many years go I had my eyes opened about the essence, as in the key, of love. That is that we can never truly love another until we love ourselves. In other words, know who we are, understand who we are and like ourself. Much easier said than done! A good counselor in this regard is a valuable investment.

    Anyway, I really came to leave my thanks for your recent decision to follow Learning from Dogs. Thank you!

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